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Evanescence — Sallys Song Tab

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1—    I sense there's some—thing in the wind
2—  what  will be—come of my dear friend?

       that feels like tra—ge—dy's at hand
     where will his ac—tions lead us then?

     and though I'd like to stand by him
     al—though I'd like to join the crowd

      can't shake this feel—ing that I have
        in their en—thu—si—as—tic cloud

      the worst is just a—  round  the bend
      try as I may it does—n't last

      and does he no—tice my  fee—lings for him
     and will we e—ver end up to—ge—ther

     and will he see how much he means to me
     no I think not, it's ne—ver to be—come

     I think it's not to be
     for I am not   the   one