0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Radiohead — Faust Arp (ver 2) Tab

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if (Math.floor(Math.random()*3) == 0){	document.write("");}	 																																													Faust Arp Tab									by Radiohead tabs |											tabbed by Bumcivilian | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																															  2 votes 								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																													More versions:																																																																																																																																			Ver 1																																																																																																																																Ver 3																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																								Recommended tabs																																																											If you like Faust Arp Tab by Radiohead you might also like these songs:																									Jigsaw Falling Into Place Intro Tabby Radiohead																									God Put A Smile Upon Your Face Chordsby Coldplay																									Muscle Museum Tabby Muse																																																																																																																																Faust Arp Lyricsby Radiohead Lyrics																						Faust Arp Tabat 911Tabs.com																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															— to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																																																																																				Faust Arp tab by Radiohead, www.Ultimate—Guitar.Com																																																																		View Faust Arp tab on your iPhone or iPod Touch																																														Listen to Faust Arp																																														Add to favourites																																																																				Difficulty: intermediate																																																																																			tf_artist = "Radiohead";											tf_song = "Faust Arp";																																																												Thanks to Dave Chamerette, who helped me tab this.

At // \\ repeat the bracketed section once, or more if stated. Otherwise   
   || ||                              play each bar as stated (e.g. x4).
   || ||
   || ||
   \\ //

 Bm         x4   B      x3   Bm    x4   B   x3     C7/B   
                                             //            \\
                                             \\            //

Ab             Db           G7
                        //                                        \\
                        \\                                        //

Bm         x4   B      x3   Bm    x4   B   x3     C7/B   
                                            //            \\
                                            \\            //

Ab             Db           G7             Repeat bracketed section x4
                        //                                        \\
                        \\                                        //

  Bb        x2   Amsus  x2    C/G      G    x3
//                                             \\
\\                                             //

Bb        x2   Amsus  x2     G7
                        //                                           \\
                        \\                                           // 

For the Amsus —> C/G —> G use a loose strum rather than pick. That bit is a bit
dodgy, so you might need to play around with it until it feels right.


																																															Faust Arp Lyrics																																																	tf_artist = "Radiohead";											tf_song = "Faust Arp";																															         																																																																																																		var loc = document.location.toString();var def = loc.indexOf("view_on");var vote_txt = $('.cnt_rate').html();var tab_scroller;$(document).ready (function (){	$(".search_input").autocomplete();	first_link = $('#print_link').attr('href');	tab_scroller = new TabScroller();	$('#arr_scroll').bind('click', function(){		hide_scroll();	});	$('.voting').bind('mouseleave', function (){	    $('.cnt_rate').html(vote_txt);		stars_fill (4);	});	$('.fill').each(function(index) {		$(this).bind('mouseover', function(){			stars_fill(index+1);			$('.cnt_rate').html(votes_arr[index+1]);		});	});	$('#pos_relative').hover (function (){},hide_versions_area);	$('#mv').hover (show_versions_area);	$('#coms_link').bind('click', function(){ 		viewComments(601576,false,'all');		location.href='#comments';		return false;	});    $(".searchsel").click(function() {        $('.selwin').toggle();        show_menu = 0;    });	refferers(def,601576);});