Radiohead — The Bends (ver 4) Tab
I have yet to see a good tab of "The Bends" so I once again scoured the Internet
to find bits and pieces that were 100% correct, or at least sound like it. What
follows is a combination of a Guitar pro file (which is pretty expensive software
not many people have), several tabs, and some tabbing by me for some spots to make
it sound as close to complete as possible. I do not take credit for this transcription,
I only arranged for text format and filed in spots that were empty and corrected parts
that were wrong. I do this only to help other Radiohead fans have tabs that they are
confident in being correct. I hope to do this for as many songs as I can before I get
tired of this or explode, whichever comes first. If you have any requests for what
songs you want me to search for and arrange, please email me at
And please Rate this tab, this took forever to arrange, you could at least take
a second to rate it so others can know it is good.
(5)— Ghost Note: A note in parenthesis that is barely heard in a recording
or represents a note that is supposed to ring for longer than one measure.
PM — Palm mute
NH — Natural Harmonic
PH — Pinch Harmonic
B — Bend (I've placed how much to bend over the measure; for example a
.25 is a quarter step bend, a .5 is a half step bend, a .75 is a
three fourths step bend, a 1 would be a whole step bend, 2.5 would
be a two and a half step bend, etc.
Pb — Pre—Bend: The note is bent to a pre—determined pitch before it is
Pbr— Pre—Bend Release: The note is bent to a predetermined pitch before it
is picked and is released to its original pitch.
Brh— Bend Release Hammer—on: Bend note to a pitch then release it to its
Original pitch then either hammer—on or pull—off to a higher or
Lower fret.
/ — Slide: If I have to explain this one you shouldn't be playing this
H — Hammer—on
Br — Bend—Release: Bend note to a pitch then release it to its original
~~ — Vibrato: Vibrating a string either by moving up and down with your
fingers or by using a whammy bar.
Note: There's a third guitar in this song (Ed O' Brien) but he tends to mostly
double Gtr. 1 loosely so it just got cut out for the sake of making this tab
easier to understand. Don't think you're missing anything, Gtr.3 just doubles
gtr 1's exact chords.
The Bends
Words and Music by: Thomas Yorke, Jonathan Greenwood,
Colin Greenwood, Ed 'O Brien, and Philip Selway
Gtrs. 1&2 (w/ distortion)
Gtr. 1 (Thom)
[ Gtr. 2 (Jonny)
Where do we go from here?
[ Gtr. 1 (w/ clean tone)
[ Gtr. 2 (Jonny)
the words are coming out all wierd where are you now?
Gtr. 1 (Thom)
when I need you Alone on an airplane
Gtr. 1
falling asleep against the window pane
Gtr. 1
my blood'll thicken
[ Gtr. 1 (w/ distortion)
[ Gtr. 2 (w/ heavy distortion)
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2 P.M——+ 1
Note: during this next verse, Ed plays the same chords as guitar 1 except
that they play them as staccato chord stabs every few beats.
I need to wash myself again to hide all the dirt and pain
[ Gtr. 1&3 (both w/ Dirty tone)
[ Gtr. 2
[ this note is held from the last measure
cuz I'd be scared that there's nothing underneath
Gtr. 1&3 (w/ dirty tone)
who are my real friends? have they all got the bends
Gtr. 1&3
am I really sinking this low?
Gtr. 1&3
And my baby's got the bends oh no
[ Gtr. 1 (w/ distortion)
[ Gtr. 2 (w/ distortion)
We don't have any real friends
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
[ no no no
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
Just lying in the bar with my drip feed on Talking to my girlfriend,
waiting for something to happen
I wish it was the sixties, I wish I could be happy
pick these x's behind the nut of the guitar
I wish, I wish, I wish that something would happen
[ Gtr. 1 (w/ flanger)
[ P.M. and gradually release
[ Gtr. 2 (w/ heavy distortion) P.M. and gradually release
Where do we go from here?
[ Gtr. 1 (flanger off/ dirty tone on)
[ Gtr. 2
The planet is a gunboat in a sea of fear
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
And where are you? They brought in the CIA
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr.2
the tanks and the whole marines To blow me away
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
to blow me sky high My baby's got the bends
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
We don't have any real friends
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
Just lying in the bar with my drip feed on Talking to my girlfriend,
waiting for something to happen
I wish it was the sixties, I wish I could be happy
pick these x's behind the nut of the guitar
I wish, I wish, I wish that something would
[ All 3 Gtrs.
[ Gradually release the Palm mute in the second bar
[ P.M.————————————————————————————————————————————+
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2 P.H.
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
I wanna live, breathe I wanna be part of the human race
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
I wanna live, breathe I wanna be part of the human race
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
race race race
[ Gtr. 1
[ Gtr. 2
Where do we go from here? The words are coming out all weird
Gtr. 1 (clean)
Where are you now? when I need you
roll on the last chord