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Taylor Swift — Star Spangled Banner Chords

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this is the chord version of Taylors acoustic National Anthem....fist tab...enjoy

***any capo or key should work. 

    D           Dsus
Oh, say, can you see, 
        D             A
by the dawn's early light,
           D          A
What so proudly we hail'd 
           Dsus           D
at the twilight's last gleaming?
               D                 Dsus
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, 
           D         A
thro' the perilous fight,
           D           A
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, 
           Dsus       D
were so gallantly streaming?
         D     Dsus
And the rockets' red glare, 
the bombs bursting in air,
       D               A
Gave proof thro' the night 
           D              A
that our flag was still there.
   D              G
O say, does that star—spangled 
  Em        A
banner yet wave
          D           Dsus
O'er the land of the free 
         D       A   Dsus
and the home of the brave?