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Taylor Swift — Star Spangled Banner Tab

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Star Spangled Banner

Performed by Taylor Swift at the 2008 World Series

It's played with a capo on the 2nd fret.


  Say      can      you         see               by    the

  dawn's   ear  —   ly    light                   What so

  proud     —    ly we    hailed                 at    the

  twi   —  light's  last        gleam —  ing?     Whose broad

  stripes  and      bright      stars             thru  the

  per  —   il   —   ous         fight,            O'er  the 

  ramp  —  arts     we    watched                 were  so

  gall  —  ant   —  ly          streaming?      And the

  rock  —  et's     red  glare,                  the bombs

  burst —  ing      in   air,                    Gave

  proof    through  the   night                   that our

  flag     was      still     there.            Oh,

  say      does     that        star     spang —  led

  ban —  ner      yet        wave         O'er the

  land     of    the            free          and the

  home           of      the                    brave?