The Veronicas — Cry (ver 2) Chords
Artist: The Veronicas
Song: Cry
Tuning: Standard
Note: Strum every chord once; *strum* = strum continuously; only applies to [Intro].
D D Em
All my life you've had an o—pin—ion
Em G
Doing things for the wrong rea—sons
G D*strum*
Well not to—day
D D Em
Don't you know I think for my—self
Em G*strum*
I get on fine without any—bo—dy's help
G*strum* D*strum*
Don't care what you say
[Verse 1]
Bm G D
I'm breaking your heart, but I'm breaking a—part
D A Bm
All you do is hold me, hold me down
Bm G D
Try to make me some—one I don't know
I'm not the girl you'd thought you found
D Em
What would you do
Em G D
If I told you, you can't con—trol my life
D Em
What would you say
Em G D
If I left today with no regrets and no goodbye
D Em
What would you do
Em G D
If I told you there is no more you and I
D Em G D*let ring*
What would you say if I walked away and left you there to cry
[Verse 2]
Bm G D
I don't know what's coming o—ver you
D A Bm
Or how we fell a—part
Bm G D
I tried so hard but I don't believe in you
You're not the guy I thought I knew
Note: Strum every chord once; *strum* = strum continuously; only applies to [Chorus] above ——————————.
D Em
What would you do
G D*strum*
If I told you, you can't con—trol my life
D Em
What would you say
G D*strum*
If I left today with no regrets and no goodbye
D Em
And what would you do
Em G D
If I told you there is no more you and I
D Em G D
What would you say if I walked away and left you there to cry
D Em G D*let ring*
What would you say if I said to you, "Just go ahead and cry!"