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The Veronicas — Speechless Chords

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this is what i think it is so i hope its ryt lol feed back is welcome to
thanx :)

          c                em

feels like i have always known y3w

         c               em
and i swear ive dreamt about y3w

c                   em           d
all those enless nights i was alone

                c          em
its like ive spent 4eva searching

   c                em
now i no that it was worth it

    c                  em             d
with y3w it feels like i am finally home

        em         c
fallen head over heels

           em           d
thought i knew how it feels

          em                c            d hold
but with y3w its like the first day of my life


coz y3w leave me speechless

c                 d
when y3w talk to me

                  g            c            d
and u leave me breathless the way u look at me

y3wve managed to disarm me

    c                  d
my soul is shineing through

                  c            d hold
i cant help but surrender

my everything to u oh

i thought i could resist y3w i thought that i was strong but some how u were different 
what ive known i didnt see it coming u took me by suprise and u stole my heart b4 i could 

fallen head ova heels thought i knew how it feels but with y3w its like the first day of 


and thats all i no so i guess ull have to figure the rest owt ureself  ............