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Tragically Hip — Ahead By A Century (ver 2) Tab

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if (Math.floor(Math.random()*3) == 0){	document.write("");}	 																																													Ahead By A Century Tab									by Tragically Hip tabs |											tabbed by byaccident | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																						   								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																									More versions:																																													versions										video lessons																																																																									 																																																																																																												Ver 1																																																																																																																							Ver 1																																																																			 																																																																																																																																																						Recommended tabs																																																											If you like Ahead By A Century Tab by Tragically Hip you might also like these songs:																									Bobcaygeon Chordsby Tragically Hip																									38 Years Old Tabby Tragically Hip																									Running For Home Chordsby Matthew Good Band																																																																																																																																Ahead By A Century Lyricsby Tragically Hip Lyrics																						Ahead By A Century Tabat 911Tabs.com																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															— to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																																																																																				Ahead By A Century tab by Tragically Hip, www.Ultimate—Guitar.Com																																																																		View Ahead By A Century tab on your iPhone or iPod Touch																																														Listen to Ahead By A Century																																														Add to favourites																																																																																														tf_artist = "Tragically Hip";											tf_song = "Ahead By A Century";																																																												The Tragically Hip — Ahead by a Century
    Tabbed by Owen Tosh

This song is easy to strum along to — the one tough part is the intro, which is
throughout the song.  Read my notes on the fingerings if you find it difficult.  If 
learn it, just play D and E (see the simple tab below to know when to play them).

     V = downbeat
     ^ = upbeat

     A = X02220
    A2 = 002200 (Asus2 or Esus4)
 Cadd9 = X32030 (or Cadd2)
     D = X00232
    D2 = X00230 (Dsus2)
    D* = X00235 (an alternate of D)
     E = 022100
    E4 = 002100 (Eadd4 or Amaj7sus2)
   E4* = 002X00 (an alternate of Eadd4)
   G/B = X20033

The Intro

The simple melody, broken down (with the simple chords):

    D                                               E
    V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^
e |—2———————————0———————5———————2—|—————5—————————————————————————|
B |———————————————————————————————|———————————————————————————————|
G |———————————————————————————————|—————————————————1———2———1—————|
D |———————————————————————————————|—————————————2———————————————2—|
A |———————————————————————————————|———————————————————————————————|
E |———————————————————————————————|———————————————————————————————|

But if you want to strum and play the melody, you'll need the chords.  When you strum,
harder on the area where the melody is carried (i.e. on the higher strings during the D
and on the middle ones during the E4 and A2 stuff) and it'll come through.

    D           D2      D*      D       D*     E4*  E4  A2  E4 E4*
    V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^   V   ^
e |—2———————————0———————5———————2—|—————5———————0———0———0———0———0—|
B |—3———————————3———————3———————3—|—————3———————0———0———0———0———0—|
G |—2———————————2———————2———————2—|—————2———————————1———2———1—————|
D |—0———————————0———————0———————0—|—————0———————2———2———2———2———2—|
A |—0———————————0———————0———————0—|—————0———————0———0———0———0———0—|
E |———————————————————————————————|———————————————————————————————|

The trick to the D part is the fingering.  When playing the first D, use your index
to bar the G, B, and e strings on the 2nd fret, and your middle finger on the B string on
3rd fret.  This way, you can lift your index finger off the E string to play the D2, and 
your pinky finger over to the 5th fret to reach the D* chord.

The Song

Intro  x4 (see above notes)

First thing we'd climb a tree
And maybe then we'd talk
Or sit silently
D                          Cadd9
And listen to our thoughts
Illusions of some day
Casting a golden light
No dress rehearsal

This is our life

Intro x2

D                                   Cadd9
And that's when the hornet stung me
And I had a feverish dream
With revenge and doubt
Tonight we smoke them out

  You are ahead by a century
  You are ahead by a century
A                             G/B
  You are ahead by a century

Intro x4

Stare in the morning shroud
And then the day began
I tilted your cloud
D                  Cadd9
You tilted my hand
Rain falls in real time
Rain fell through the night
No dress rehearsals

This is our life


D                                   Cadd9
But that's when the hornet stung me
And I had a serious dream
With revenge and doubt
Tonight we smoke them out

  You are ahead by a century
  You are ahead by a century
A                             G/B
  You are ahead by a century

  You are ahead by a century
  You are ahead by a century
A                             G/B
  You are ahead by a century

  And disappointing you's getting me down

Intro x6

Other Notes

During the verses, feel free to play around with a D2 during the long D part.

The strumming pattern of the verses goes something like this:

      Beat: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &
  Emphasis: *     *     *     *     *   *
    Rhythm: 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2

Hope this makes sense.  Enjoy learning an awesome song!																																															Ahead By A Century Lyrics																																																	tf_artist = "Tragically Hip";											tf_song = "Ahead By A Century";																															         																																																																																																		var loc = document.location.toString();var def = loc.indexOf("view_on");var vote_txt = $('.cnt_rate').html();var tab_scroller;$(document).ready (function (){	$(".search_input").autocomplete();	first_link = $('#print_link').attr('href');	tab_scroller = new TabScroller();	$('#arr_scroll').bind('click', function(){		hide_scroll();	});	$('.voting').bind('mouseleave', function (){	    $('.cnt_rate').html(vote_txt);		stars_fill (0);	});	$('.fill').each(function(index) {		$(this).bind('mouseover', function(){			stars_fill(index+1);			$('.cnt_rate').html(votes_arr[index+1]);		});	});	$('#pos_relative').hover (function (){},hide_versions_area);	$('#mv').hover (show_versions_area);	$('#coms_link').bind('click', function(){ 		viewComments(914585,false,'all');		location.href='#comments';		return false;	});    $(".searchsel").click(function() {        $('.selwin').toggle();        show_menu = 0;    });	refferers(def,914585);});