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Tragically Hip — Bring It All Back Tab

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Rod Nolan 

The Tragically Hip           /  Bring It All Back
Transcribed by Rod Nolan     /  rodn@plato.ucs.mun.ca
Lyrics typed by Scott Hutchens   scottmh@cs.mun.ca

|                                    Guitar2
                                       b r b  and hold it    b r p

|Vocal                   I've been carving you        to see what form...    
                    hphphphpI'm not quite sure about the Guitar2 because I don't have my guitar here 
in front of me and I'm doing this from memory.  As always, corrections 
and additions are welcome.
Thanks to Scott Hutchens  for the lyrics.

>                               Bring It All Back
>                              I'd been carving you
>                           To see what form you'd take
>                             You were hiding in ivory
>                         I just wanted to free you shape
>                    Bringing me down, its too quiet to breathe
>                       Who wants to hear their heart beat?
>                                It's gotta be here
>                           In your spider—web alphabets
>                             Did I read it all wrong?
>                        Or have I just not gotten it yet?
>                    You got what you want. You wanted release.
>              Can you be appeased? Can you bring it all back to me?
>                             Bring it all back to me
>               Bringing me down, the obvious turned out to be true
>                All that I couldn't see, how it was turning me on
>                          I don't want to pare you down
>                        No, I don't want to wear you down
>                      I don't want any more than what's here
>                        No, I don't want to pare you down
>                 Well you got what you want. You wanted release.
>              Can you be appeased? Can you bring it all back to me?
>                     Just bring Just bring it all back to me
>                               It's all that I want
>                               It's all that I need
>                               It's all that I want
>                             Bring it all back to me
>                           Bring it, give it, bring it

Rod Nolan