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Tragically Hip — Killing Time (ver 2) Tab

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if (Math.floor(Math.random()*3) == 0){	document.write("");}	 																																													Killing Time Tab									by Tragically Hip tabs |											tabbed by mandrews905 | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																						   								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																													More versions:																																																																																																																																			Ver 1																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														Recommended tabs																																																											If you like Killing Time Tab by Tragically Hip you might also like these songs:																									Oh Deed I Do Tabby Donovan																									Dont Push Bass Tabby Sublime																									Get Out Chordsby Sublime																																																																																																																																Killing Time Lyricsby Tragically Hip Lyrics																						Killing Time Tabat 911Tabs.com																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															— to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																																																																																				Killing Time tab by Tragically Hip, www.Ultimate—Guitar.Com																																																																		View Killing Time tab on your iPhone or iPod Touch																																														Listen to Killing Time																																														Add to favourites																																																																				Difficulty: intermediate																																																																																			tf_artist = "Tragically Hip";											tf_song = "Killing Time";																																																												Chords:

Main riff played throughout:


Riff x 2
I need your confidence, need to know your mine
Riff x 2
When it gets right down to the killing time
Riff x 2
I know your heart is bad, but it's all I've ever had
Riff x 2
We can live our lives on this righteous crime

Dsus2             Em7+5 G    Dsus2                Em7+5   G
I got kicked when I was down and a sailor took my girl to town
Dsus2              Em7+5           G         Dsus2    Em7+5    G
then she licked my wounds with the sea dog's salt
Dsus2            Em7+5     G     Dsus2           Em7+5    G
I drank a half a bottle of jack, swore I'd never take you back
Dsus2           Em7+5     G       Dsus2   Em7+5    G
by the bottle's end I was on that phone.

Em7+5        C          Am
What you call compromise I don't understand
Em7+5        C          Am                  A
What you call compromise I don't under——————stand

How do you walk away?
How do you walk away?
How do you walk away from a woman that gone and done you wrong?


A     —  x02220
Am    —  x02210
C     —  x32010
Dsus2 —  xx0230
Em7+5 —  032030
G     —  320030


song: Killing Time
artist: The Tragically Hip
album: The Tragically Hip
transcribed by: Jon Makokis
comments & questions: tasty_nothings@hotmail.com

I've seen one tab for this song...and it's quite wrong,
so I'm gonna do this right.

Main riff:


Riff x2
I need your confidence, need to know your mine
When it gets right down to the killing time
I know your heart is bad, but it's all I've ever had
We can live our lives on this righteous crime

(Play a freestyle version of the main riff:)
I got kicked when I was down and a sailor took my girl to town
then she licked my wounds with the sea dog's salt
I drank a half a bottle of jack, swore I'd never take you back
by the bottle's end I was on that phone.

A#            C         A
What you call compromise I don't understand
A#            C         A              C
What you call compromise———I don't understand

D                     F  G
How do you walk away?
D                     F  G
How do you walk away?
D                                      F       G
Oh walk away from a woman that gone and done you wrong?

For the first part of the solo, use this scale
E ——————————————————————————10—13—|
B —————————————————————10—13——————|
G ————————————————10—12———————————|
D ———————————10—12————————————————|
A ——————10—12—————————————————————|
E —10—13——————————————————————————|
The second half is basically riff 2 with a few frills.																																															Killing Time Lyrics																																																	tf_artist = "Tragically Hip";											tf_song = "Killing Time";																															         																																																																																																		var loc = document.location.toString();var def = loc.indexOf("view_on");var vote_txt = $('.cnt_rate').html();var tab_scroller;$(document).ready (function (){	$(".search_input").autocomplete();	first_link = $('#print_link').attr('href');	tab_scroller = new TabScroller();	$('#arr_scroll').bind('click', function(){		hide_scroll();	});	$('.voting').bind('mouseleave', function (){	    $('.cnt_rate').html(vote_txt);		stars_fill (0);	});	$('.fill').each(function(index) {		$(this).bind('mouseover', function(){			stars_fill(index+1);			$('.cnt_rate').html(votes_arr[index+1]);		});	});	$('#pos_relative').hover (function (){},hide_versions_area);	$('#mv').hover (show_versions_area);	$('#coms_link').bind('click', function(){ 		viewComments(900489,false,'all');		location.href='#comments';		return false;	});    $(".searchsel").click(function() {        $('.selwin').toggle();        show_menu = 0;    });	refferers(def,900489);});